Historic Preservation Commission



Vicki Lebo, President

Judy Masters, Vice President

Barbara Stein

Rich Voorhees

Perry Rennewanz

Mike Strajduhar




Debra Parcell, Indiana Landmarks 


Meeting times are the 2nd Thursday of the month at 4PM in the City Council Chambers on the third floor of City Hall.  

Agenda for October 10, 2024 HPC meeting: 

The public are, as always, welcome. Please sign in at the door.
Our main agenda points include:
An update of Christmas tour plans and an informative presentation from Indiana Landmarks, detailing the Processes and Responsibilities for Local Designation.
In light of some recent and ongoing social media misinformation and misconceptions, those who are interested in the actual process of designating, as well as the differences between local designation and national registration, will absolutely benefit from this presentation.
Some key points to be covered include:
1. National Register and local designation
2. Although the criteria are similar, the processes to gain those designations are very different, as are the restrictions and potential for tax credits and grants
This documentation will be shared on the HPC’s FB page following the conclusion of the meeting.
2025 Planning will also be discussed.
1. Several hands-on workshops are planned throughout the state in 2025, one of which will be a window workshop at Emmaus.
2. We will pick a date to reserve on the calendar.
3. IL Marketing will set up an Eventbrite site and promote the workshop.
4. This agenda item will also include consideration of other things Logansport hopes to do next year (building tours/walks, preservation month activities, outreach to property owners, etc.)
Arin Shaver will provide City updates.
The next (and final) regular meeting for 2024 will be November 14.
The HP Commissioners (HPC) are volunteers, appointed by the current/acting mayors. As of today, we are comprised of appointees from the Kitchell and Martin administrations.
We are a Certified Local Government (CLG), and therefore obligated to follow guidelines of our state oversight organization, Indiana Landmarks. We are the only Logansport organization overseen by this office.
As you will learn from Thursday’s presentation, we can recommend designation, but the ultimate decision lies with the City, specifically, City Council. We are not empowered to designate or “landmark” any structures or properties without their approval (as much as we might like to.)
Finally, as mentioned, we are all volunteers. Please direct any official questions or inquiries to the Planning Commission, Arin Shaver, Executive Director. arin.shaver@co.cass.in.us
She and her staff will be able to help you.
Please join us this Thursday, for a very informative meeting.

Historic Preservation Commission Facebook Page

Certificate of Appropriateness Application for 421 4th St.

Historic Designation Application 

Certificate of Appropriateness Application

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