Life & AD&D IPEP All Employees
Life & AD&D IPEP All Employees
| Human Resources, Uncategorized |
COVID-19 Workplace Questions & Answers 3 Key Steps While Waiting COVID-19 Test Results CDC Recommendations for When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated
| Human Resources |
Anti-harassment training was completed by fifty employees occupying management and supervisory positions for the City of Logansport. Anti-harassment training is training that employers provide for their employees to teach them about unacceptable behavior in the workplace. This training is designed to prevent gender-based harassment in the workplace and to create a comfortable environment, so employees […]
| Human Resources |
We have seen an increased rate of fraud and scams related to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. Please be aware of fraud: If someone calls, texts, or emails you or a family member promising access to the vaccine for a fee, you should not share your personal or financial information. No one should ask you […]
| News, Uncategorized |
Logansport EPA Brownfields Grant Community Engagement 9-2020
| News, Uncategorized |
Resolution and Map
| Mayor, Uncategorized |
Logan’s Landing Commercial Facade Program
| Mayor |
In collaboration with Logansport Cass County Chamber of Commerce, LMU, the hospital, school corporations, and several industry and community partners, CLEDO is doing an analysis to better understand the market demands for housing within our community. This will allow us to better evaluate areas of opportunity for future investment and development of residential properties. […]