Robert Bernhardt
(574) 753-7082
Department Hours:
8:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.
Monday thru Friday
1800 Grant Street
Logansport, IN 46947
Get Directions
Rob Alder
Charles Hunt

Mount Hope Cemetery is reported to be the third largest cemetery in Indiana. The cemetery was started in 1854. The 9th Street Cemetery is also a part of Mount Hope Cemetery. The 9th Street Cemetery started in 1828. Both cemeteries are owned and operated by the City of Logansport.
Mount Hope Cemetery is situated on the north edge of the city covering a report approximate of two hundred acres.
The cemetery has four full time employees. These employees do everything from mowing and preparing graves to clearing snow from the streets for a peaceful walk.
Things Our Department Does:
- Maintain cemetery mowing and trimming
- Locate graves.
- Assist in genealogy
- Prepare graves
- Clear Snow
Cemetery News & Updates
The “Spring Clean” is in the month of March. The dates of these two weeks are advertised in the local newspaper and posted to this website and are scheduled according to weather forecast.
The cemetery staff.
Yes. Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
The owner of the stone.
No. The cemetery is responsible.
The owner.
Yes. Contact the cemetery at (574) 753-7082.
Yes. Quit claim deed (notarized) is necessary and needs to be registered at the cemetery.