Randy Ulery
Code Enforcement Officer
Brian Hyder
Code Enforcement Officer
Sandy Warpenburg
Administrative Assistant
Department Hours:
8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
Monday thru Friday
729 High Street
Logansport, IN 46947
Ordinance 2014-42
Regarding Abandoned Vehicles
Ordinance 2022-20
Regarding Garbage, Trash, Yard Waste, and Recyclables

New address:
729 High Street
Logansport Indiana 46947
Logansport’s Code Enforcement Division is available to assist the citizens of Logansport in achieving an acceptable living environment for the benefit of the community and the City as a whole.
The main purpose of many of the regulations and ordinances passed by the Logansport Common Council are to insure and protect our communities’ health, safety, and general welfare. The success of any regulation or ordinance depends upon the citizens and acceptance of these ordinances.
Hang tags will be placed on the door with seven (7) days written letter for:
- Improper accumulation of wood/brush, building materials
- Electronics – these must be taken to Cass Co. Recycling District (15 Biddle Street) ph. (574) 732-9253
- Mattresses – Must be COMPLETELY WRAPPED in PLASTIC to be picked up on bulk pick-up day
- Trash bags outside of toters – Must have a $2.00 trash sticker.
These can be purchased at McCords (2865 E. Market Street), Martin’s Super Market (3420 E. Market Street), D&R Fruit Market (931 W. Market Street) and Farmers Fresh Market (417 S. 5th Street) - Upholstered furniture – two (2) items may be picked up on FREE bulk pick-up day
- Appliances containing Freon – May be picked up by the Street Department (612 Race Street) ph. (574)753-4610, pay $12.00 cash/check.
- Inoperable/abandoned vehicles
If violation is NOT corrected within seven (7) days from the date of the letter, a Certified Letter will be sent asking for the property owner to appear before the Board of Public Works and Safety (BOW) and a fine of $100 will be placed on the property. The property owner must appear or contact Code Enforcement before scheduled a meeting or additional fines may be applied by the BOW.
Spreadsheets are created and shared with the Clerk Treasurer’s Office to keep track of the properties that are in the process of billing and clean-ups. If a property is not cleaned up, a clean-up will be filed with the BOW payable to the City of Logansport Clerk Treasurer’s office (601 E. Broadway, Rm 201). If fines are not paid within thirty (30) days, a lien will be filed on the property.
Letters are issued with grass that is taller then eight (8) inches or weeds and/or rank vegetation is in violation.
- Property is re-inspected in seven (7) days from the letter issues.
If property is still in violation, it will be mowed by the City and the owner will be billed.
First violation – $150.00
Second violation – $200.00
Third Violation and any additional violations – $350.00
In Code Enforcement cases, it is important to remember that the objective is compliance.