Mayor Chris Martin
Deputy Mayor Jacob Pomasl
Street Department
(574) 753-4610
Mount Hope Cemetery
(574) 753-7082
Fire Department
(574) 753-3102
Police Department
(574) 753-4101
Parks Department
(574) 753-6969
Building Department
(574) 753-4381
Code Enforcement
(574) 753-4381
Planning & Zoning Department
(574) 753-7082
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Why live, work, start a business or visit Logansport?
If you’ve never been to Logansport, there’s much to know, do and see that you won’t find in many other communities or on stock brochures for other communities.
If you’re looking for a place to live – even to raise a family – Logansport ranks as one of the 10 safest cities in Indiana according to Logistically, Logansport is situated within a half day drive to Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville and Detroit. It is less than an hour away from Purdue University, and slightly more than that from the University of Notre Dame. Its four-lane access, U.S. 24 and Ind. 25, connects Logansport with the three major north/south arteries in the state – I-65, I-69 and U.S. 31.
If you’re looking for a place to purchase a home, you’ll find housing costs that are on average well below the state and national averages – and you’ll find one of the largest inventories of historic housing for a city Logansport’s size in the Midwest. There are areas within Logansport and surrounding it for new home construction.
If you’re looking for a community with quality schools, Logansport is the home of the 2016 Indiana Teacher of the Year, Jitka Nelson. Local schools have received “A” ratings from the state of Indiana. Logansport is among the state leaders in preschool kindergarten, K-5 Spanish/English immersion, Advance Placement classes and career curriculum that includes an on-campus career center that was ranked by one New York organization as one of the top 10 high schools in the United States. Logansport also is home to one of the newest Ivy Tech Community College campuses in Indiana as well as a downtown campus of Trine University. Its location near Purdue and Indiana University at Kokomo is convenient for students who want to live at home while attending college, or who have work schedules to accommodate.
If you’re looking for a community with industrial sites for development, the Cass/Logan Industrial Park has several silver designated sites available, with the goal of “prime” designations on the horizon. The park is adjacent to an airport named Indiana Airport of the Year in 2013. Norfolk Southern provides one of its major national lines through Logansport, connecting the Port of Canada in Detroit with St. Louis.
If you’re looking for recreation, the community has a diverse park system that includes a National Historic Landmark, the carousel in Riverside Park, several miles of paved trails. France Park, a county-owned park with two lakes, trails and campgrounds and seven-foot spoonbill catfish, is a destination for scuba diving, hiking, camping and swimming.
If you’re looking for things to do, McHale Performing Arts Center, the historic State Theater and the People’s Winery are all destinations on weekends that not only serve the community, but attract visitors from nearby communities.
In short, the answer to “Why Logansport?” when people ask is that has all the amenities you want and need in a community without all the cost and traffic of an urban area; it’s the best of all worlds.
CONTACT: Mayor Chris Martin, (574) 753-2551.